Today's Comic

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Today's News

Nothing much...

Not much going on with me on the comic front. I think Alex will be your go-to guy for today... I hope.

I was stuck at home all weekend (without power for several hours) so I decided to get a little reading done (web comics that is...), and realized that most of the comics online really aren't that great. So where do you turn? TWC? Bah! They know nothing! So then where? Well, that why I am proud to announce my first annual "They Don't Suck" section. Pretty much just a run-down of some all-around good comics that you may not know about. I'll do a few every posting day and probably re-cap on Friday or next Monday depending on how many comics I decide to throw in to a given post.

Let's get started.

First up is First up is Exterminautus Now. An excellent comic defiantly worthy of note. If you're like me and you have played (or still play) Warhammer 40K or its new RPG "Inquisitor" then this comic is for you. The art work itself is worth a gander and the writing is priceless. However, no comic is perfect and there are some "problems" I can see might have with it. If you're not into "Inquisitor" a few jokes will be lost to you trying to figure out what, if anything, a Rosetta has to do with an Inquisitor. Also, a lot of people aren't to crazy about the whole Sonic look-alike drawings, but that's their problem (I think Alex is one of them). But all that said it is a great niche comic who's only fault in my opinion is a once-a-week update schedule. One of my favorites.

Hmm, that took longer than I thought, so I'll continue this later. Also, if you know a Jason Tse, be sure he's the right one before ripping out his lungs for me. There are many nice Jason Tse's out there so be careful. Remember, the evil one probably hangs out with Nazis.

I'm done for today. Enjoy!


WHAT? Kill Bill isn't even nominated for an Oscar?

Happy Saint David's Day!

I had to do a little research to even figure out what St. David's day is. Turns out it's some sort of Welsh holiday. Why they need their own holiday, I don't know. Apparently all the Welsh folk get together and dress up in traditional Welsh clothing. If that doesn't sound like fun, I don't know what is!

Sorry the comic is so late, I didn't really have any time over the weekend... and well, I really took my time with it today. The idea is brought to you courtesy of my good friend Pat. I only had to supply the punchline. Thank you Patrick. If you haven't read it, or you're just slow, the comic is based on a comic we did a while back.

