Today's Comic

A gift from the heart

Today's News

Perfect for people who love the water

Been working a lot the past couple of days so I've got a lot of bling, but not a lot to talk about. For those of you playing a drinking game at home, it's a shot of Taquila every time I say "a lot". I've got a few things in the works (mixing cement is rewarding and it gives you time to think) for some extra bits in the ever-growing goodies section. And, if you didn't read Alex's post, then I'll remind everyone about the new wallpaper from Phil.

Also, I'd like to thank everyone for their support on TWC. And, if you have a chance go visit Exterminatus Now. I know it's odd to for there to be another good comic on TWC, and one that I'd reccomend, but if you have had any contact with "Inquisitor" or the Warhammer 40K universe, you'll enjoy it. You also have to like or at least not mind characters that look like they're from "Sonic".

Well, um, that's my bit... for now, enjoy!


It's funny cause it's based on a true story

Today's comic is based on a conversation between Emily, Ronan, and me. Since I wasn't really that important, I desided to give myself the shaft and let Emily have some time in the spot-light. For those of you who don't understand why Viki should find it funny that Ronan was mixing concrete, I present to you this simple explanation: It's RONAN.

I was listening to the television today while doing something in the kitchen. I couldn't see anything, but it was durring the commercials, so it was no big deal. This one commercial came on and it was talking about things like "digging deep to get underneath the problem" and such. I was convinced it was a toothbrush commercial. Turns out I was very wrong. It was advertising some cop show.

I don't know if this means I've been watching too much TV or not enough.

