Today's Comic

Some Interesting Credentials

Today's News

Boy, do I love Canada Day!

I love it so much that I felt I should take off a few weeks surrounding it! Yessir!

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking the same thing that comes to mind every time I get another email for penis enlargement pills: "I'm not buying it."

I don't blame you.

Anyways, I've decided to come up with a new update schedual. That's right! I call it: Update whenever I feel like it. Our style seems to have shifted into longer, more time consuming comics, especially compaired to the old-school three panel ones we used to do. In reflection of this, I can't keep puting out the same volume of comics (which should really be apparent by now). This way I won't end up feeling pressured with any deadlines. I'm hoping that if I just devote a little free time every day, the comic production will go up. I will definitely try to put out at least one comic a week though. At least. I'm thinking this works for everyone.

Now that that's out of the way, I think it's time to rock! Fraggle Rock that is!

Dance your cares away,
Worry's for another day!
Let the music play,
Down at Fraggle Rock!



The return of...

Wow, it's been awhile, let's see if I can still remember how to do this. Right, I think I got it. Today's comic is the by-product of a broken finger, being forced to stop work for 2 weeks and trying to get a different job... at EB. I realized that while my "traditional" resume leaves a few things to be desired, my "games completed" list is far supeirior. And, I come on, what do you think they're gonna look at first? What half-assed summer jobs I "worked" at? Whether or not I won the attendance award? Hell no, they need to know that I can save a princess at any time, whether I'm an Italian plumber or The Hero of Time himself. Howeversummer is EB's "down time" so I'll have to wait until winter to apply (damn kids and their "outdoors" and "vacations").

So, why havent I posted in along time? Well, two reasons. The first is work. I start at 6 AM. That may be ok for some people, but I am very much a night person. I usually don't fall asleep until about 1 or 2 AM, so when you have to wake up at 5:30 AM you're very tired for the rest of the day. This means that I am tired all the time, except when I should sleep. I don't mind my job, and I like the guys I work with, but every time I get up at 5:30 AM a little peice of my soul dies. Hence I am trying to find a job that starts a little later. The second reason is that I broke my finger. This ensured that preforming almost any action with my left hand was met with surging pain. So there was very little typing (or anything else for that matter) going on in my life. So there hasn't been much to post about unless you want to hear something like "Dear reaeders, today I read a book. Tommorow I might read another. Pain accompanies my left hand everywhere I go. I cry a lot...". I think you get the point.

I'm not really sure why we haven't been updating. It could be that I have less contact with other people (because I'm usually to damn tired to get up and call/answer the phone), that includes Alex. Although I have had lots of time to come up with great comic ideas. So, I'm going to do the only thing I can, I'm gonna pass the buck and blame it on Alex. He's got another girlfriend (that is to say a new girlfriend, he's not THAT cool) so... fill in the blanks yourselves. Either way he's got other things to do besides wait at the hospital. I've probably already said too much...

Anyways, that's all I'll bore you with for now, it's not like anyone reads these posts. Oh no, you just stay for the comic goodness then leave. Oh well, enjoy!


I'm only 17 but my mind is older...

Counter Culture
Exterminautus Now

wud up this derek twin bro of ronin EV-AS productions video coming soon will be premiering in wakefield or edelweiss ya heard, peace!!!