Blue collar man...
So, for some odd reason Golden Eye 2 is being made... for the Xbox. Go figure. Yes, there will be a sequal to the smash N64 hit. Although this time you'll get to play from the villan's prespective. I'm hoping for some sort of mini game where you get to create those elaborate death plans where Bond eventually escapes from. Man, I've got ideas. Anyways, every one loves the clever phrases used by Bond or his nemesis... and we are no acception. It's just that we've always wondered what Bond thought about during the witty banter before the evil plot was given away. Now you know. And please, as you read the comic, try to think of Sean Connery's voice.
Moving on, I now have a summer job. Behold the glory that is golf course maintenance. Ya, I get up at 5 AM... 5!! And on Friday there was a tournement, which ment I start at 4:30 AM, which meant I got up at 3:45 AM! On a normal day of school my alarm clock wakes me up by saying "Good Morning" (yes I have a talking alarm clock)and then announcing that the time is 6:45 AM. On Friday "morning" (for me morning requires sunlight) my alarm clock woke me up by saying "Good evening" and then telling me the time. Aparently the fact that 3:45 AM is morning doesn't change the fact that my clock doesn't consider 3:45 AM to be morning. I then procceded to work until 9 PM that evening (with a 3 hour break in between). I consequently went to bed at 10 PM Friday and slept until 11 AM the next morning. Such is the glorious life of a web comic writer... unless you happen to wear a dark blue shirt with a two light blue stripes... you know who I'm talking about.
Well, I'll try and keep up with my posts, although I know that no one reads them, but when your bed time is 8:30 it's easy to run out of time. So, enjoy! Also, if you don't know the song "Blue Collar Man" by Styx then go get it! It's a must have for any working man... or woman.
Give me a job, give me security, give me a chance to survive.
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