Today's Comic

People don't get us

Today's News

This is not the greatest comic in the world. This is just a tribute.

It IS, however, the longest bloody comic to ever grace the pages of The Dominos. Holy crap. I never want to see a computer again. This comic comes right after I reformatted my computer... which means I spent about two solid days sitting in this bloody chair. Oh well. At least when I'm doing a comic I have some music. When I was reformatting I didn't even get that.

I should probably mention that I wrote this strip the day after Ronan and I had done a lot of work. Namely digging a hole. We sang hole digging songs and a good time was had by all (except those digging). Then came the day after. We both rose rather stiffly that morning... and went about our days rather stiffly. It was after talking stiffly to Ronan on the phone that evening that I came up with this idea.

One last thing. I'd like to wish a happy (belated) birthday to our buddy Kurt! We will see you tomorrow, Kurtipher (or at the very least I will... but I'm going to try to get Ronan off his ass).

