Today's Comic

Slack and proud of it!

Today's News

Lovin' Touchin' Sqeezin'

It's a song by Journey. Get it.

You're tearing me apart. Every day.



There are other factors involved...

Today's comic comes, again, from Alex. Although not entirely accurate, the comic isn't entirely false either. Prior to Celina (my girlfriend) most of my spare time at school was spent playing GBA, reading web comics, or just generally doing nothing. This, however, is no longer the case. Add to that the fact that I haven't been to karate in a long time (zen meditation is great for comic writing) and you get one tapped out Ronan. I've also been sleeping a little better. Insomnia is horrible for my health, school work, and consentration, but great for comic writning.

Ok, I don't know if anyone's heard about the latest James Bond game but it has, not only the likeness of Peirce Brosnan, but the voice talent as well. And not just him, there's Judy Dench ("M"), John Cleese ("R") and my favourite of all Willem Dafoe (probably some crazy guy, maybe bad). I mean fuck, I'm not even gonna bother going to the movies if I can get the same shit at home and have control over what blows up. And it's not just the Bond crew, David Duchovny (Fox Mulder) was the voice of the guy in XIII and Michael Dorn ("Warf from Star Trek:TNG) has been doing voices for games for years. Although since TNG ended, he hasen't done much else. I can't wait until there will be video game stars and not movie stars. Mark my words, it'll happen.

Wait, did you hear that? It's "Family Guy" calling me! Gotta run.


The way of the Samurai is found in death.

Counter Culture Exterminautus Now Winter


You didn't spell ONE person's name right! I had to edit ALL of them!

Christ lad.

My bad...

You did spell MY name correctly. As well as that of your girlfriend.

You still fail.