Today's Comic

I need another bullet.

Today's News

It could happen to YOU!

Ever get phone calls at the worst times? I did.

So I've been playing this great RPG: ADOM (warning, not for the un-1337). And there I am, a big hulking human fighter going through the Caverns of Chaos and I stumble upon a hive of bees. I soon discovered that these are the poison kind. Now I ask you: how come I managed to make it past the first levels and through the wilderness without recieving ONE spell, scroll, or potion that could cure poison? After I chopped up those bees, I stumbled around until the poison killed me. What a shitty way to die. Especially in a game with NO save points. Sigh.



Better late than never...

Right, had a HUGE essay (the capitalization should give you some clue), and thusly could neither write nor post or pretty much anything other than type, read and breath (at designated breathing intervals of course). This also meant that I couldn't stop Alex from having one of his classic I-can't-draw "accidents", as you can plainly see.

I know I'm always saying that I'm gonna finish "They Don't Suck", but then another comic pops up... two in this case. Since I'm late on this post and I bearly get one or two readers on an update day, I'll share them with you later on in the week.

For now I'll leave you with a preview of our "links" section. It will contain all the links to the "TDS" pages, enjoy!

Counter Culture
Exterminautus Now


Another pupil of Goken, are you walking down the same path as I?

To Ronan,

Holy half-assed post.

With love,
