Today's Comic

Anime Alex

Today's News

*Self destruct*

Here's the dealio: I was checking out all these Memgen things, and I came up with this:

What would your Anime life be like? by hearthlight

Your looks: Fangs and feral eyes.
Your best friend: Twelve horny alien girls.
Your powers: No powers, just a magic sword.
Your beloved: None, you haven't the time.
Your occupation: Wanderer.
Your ending: You sacrifice yourself.

Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

I thought it might be cool to draw. So today, faced with a ton of homework, I decided to sketch something up in lieu of a comic. Bad choice. I focused so much on making this look cool, that I didn't get any work done. I REALLY should have just done a comic instead. But what's done is done. Oh well.



It's like some sort of religious experience...

Needless to say Kill Bill: Vol. 2 rocked my world. Vol. 2 is very different from Vol.1 in that it has much more back story and explination. For example, you find out why Bill did what he did and why Elle has only one eye, and some other things I'll let you see for yourselves. But the thing I really relised after viewing Vol. 2 is that you shouldn't see it as Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, you should see it as "Kill Bill", not two sperate movies but as one glorious masterpiece. Vol. 2 begins with the explaination of the Elpaso slaughter and continues with more back story like, the training of the bride, why Bill needs to be killed and so on. Although there are several classic fights, there's nothing like the showdown at the House of Blue Leaves. I'd have to say that my only minor dissapointment with Vol. 2 was the climactic battle between The Bride and Bill. I don't want to give shit away so I'll let you see it first and you can decide for yourself and see if you agree. Either way, Vol. 2, along with Vol.1 , is still one of Tarintino's greatest films, although, I should really say "Kill Bill" is his greatest.

After seeing Vol. 2 I got a chance to see Vol. 1 on DVD. After watching the 4hrs... I decided to check out some of the special features. The main thing that grabbed my attention was a "making of..." special. If you're the kind of person who doesn't watch those kinds of things but is any kind of a "Kill Bill" fan, then I suggest you check it out. There's a lot of great commentary by Quinten and cast members. It also gives you a little history on the Bride, and other characters, namely Hattori Hanzo. It turns out that Sonny Chiba (Hattori Hanzo) used to star in an old samurai show in the 70's called "Shadow Warriors" or something like that. In the show his name was Hattori Hanzo and after each season the show would end and when it started again he would be Hattori Hanzo the 2nd and would take place generations later. As such, the story goes that in "Kill Bill", Hattori Hanzo is supposed to be Hattori Hanzo the 100th or something. Not too important, but still very interesting to fans.


That woman deserves her revenge, and... we deserve to die.