Today's Comic

Good plan

Today's News

Swords and such...

I loved "Kill Bill", and I now realize that my whole life has been leading up to Vol. 2. Thursday the 15th feels more like Dec 24th for me. Except Santa is hot and wears a yellow jump-suit and the gifts are death to the wicked via a sleight of folded Japanese steel. As such, I felt a "Kill Bill" comic was in, neccessary!

I too excited, I can't post any more. I promise that Monday, you'll get a full review!


-Warm sake?!! VERY GOOOOD!


A comic is up! And it looks half decent too! I did this comic up way back on Wednesday, since I devoted my Thursday evening to watching Kill Bill: Vol. 1. I felt I should catch up to the rest of the world if I was about to go watch Vol. 2 this evening. I'm ahead of the game!

Unfortunately, things might not stay that way. The semester is coming to a close (only two weeks left), and the final crunch is looming over me. Well, we'll have to wait and see how on top of things I can stay.

Also, after watching Kill Bill for the first time, I feel the need to say what everyone else has been saying for awhile: Sweet merciful Jesus Tap-dancing Christ, that's a lot of blood. I figured, hey, after years of violent videogames, I'd be pretty much desensitized. But then the ANIME part at the beginning amazed me. Still, I figured that the rest of the movie could never live up to that first bit. Boy was I wrong. Quentin Tarantino must have replaced the hearts on his stunt-doubles with a jet powered pump system, and filled every spare body cavity with extra blood. It's the only conceivable way that there could be SO much blood coming out THAT fast. You could put out a burning building with one of those squirting corpses. Well… 'nuf said.

No, Ronan didn't throw me up against the wall in the comic. I'm there by my own volition.

Wow, a comic AND an extra long post. What's the world coming to?

