It's really not that nice...
I really enjoy this comic. It's been bouncing around in my head for some time now and it's good to see it take shape. I'd also like to thank Alex for not making fun of my genitalia, it's much appreciated. The rest of the comic is pretty straight forward.
I don't know if anyone has seen this this. I'm sorry to off like this but, I just can't stand ignorant assholes who hide behind the annonimity of the internet and make worthless critisism from their parent's basement. I mean, who goes on a forum, just to say how bad a comic is. If you're going to to it, give an opinion and offer suggestions like Jer did. At least we fucking learned something from Jer, all White Knuckled Ward did was piss me off, which, I guess, is what he wanted.
Got a chance to see Hell Boy. Ya. It's great, it really is. I mean, when the son of Lucifer, himself, get's called to earth by Rasputin, who's working for the Nazis, you know you've got to be ready for whackyness. And that's what you get. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll get to see a guy who very much resembles Voldo although, he technically has weapons more like Talim, but we're getting off topic. It's definatly worth seeing.
I'd like to take this time to say word up to Derek, and the new Kanye West CD is off the hizzle. I am now owed a favour. I'd also like to bring to everyone's attention, Samurai Jack is now on the Game Cube, among other systems. I'm just going to come right out and say, I love Samurai Jack. If it's samurais, so it's really a no-brainer. I'm just worried that the game wont do well because they're taking a cool 2-D show and turning into a game. The Simpsons have run into similar problems and so have the Ninja Turtles (another animated show that I
So that's all the time I got now, look forward to Wednsday when I will actually conclude "TDS".
We can live today, but we're not promised tomorrow...