Today's Comic

Who the hell are you?

Today's News


Well folks, I just got back from surgery. I had a hernia that needed to be fixed. I got the call Friday to go in on Monday. They don't exactly give you much warning. I didn't get a comic done in time, unfortunatly, since I found I couldn't draw yesterday. No guarenties for a comic on Wednesday either, since I'm planning to be rather drugged up. I'll try to make it up to you for Friday though. I have a nice six panel comic in the works.

I hope you realize how hard this has been for me... as I am curently nicely drugged.

He'll also accept Frosties...

It's a running theme here at The Dominos I feel compelled to expose the stupidity and vileness that stalks the daily media. That and it's just so goddamn easy to make fun of commercials these days. I hope who ever came up with this consept down in marketing was fired and then raped by timber wolves.

I'm also well aware that I haven't posted in a while. No real reason, just doing more martial arts in Ottawa and less time at home, that's all. On yesterday's "geust" post by Viki and her photos let me share with you the horror I endured...

First off, I have seen "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" (to be called "TRHPS" to save time), and it delivered exactly what it said it would; a picture show brimming with rock songs and horrorifing men dressed in well... you know. But I'm not big on musicals, in fact I was kid who fast-forward the songs in Disney movies, so the fact that I wasn't thrilled with "TRHPS" should come as no suprise. Anways, the characters themselves where enough to give me nightmeers about being chased by alien men in drag for weeks, then Alex became one of them and I cried. By far the most horrifying part of all this is that Alex makes a GREAT women, and Viki and Em look like they're going to bust into "Time Warp" at any given moment.

*pant**pant*, whew! Well, that's all I'm paid for. I've started writing the comics again and Alex continues to work his own magic, so until next time, enjoy!


The CIA is trying to kill me


Just to be clear the comic is making fun of the Wendy's chicken strips commercials where the father won't let his daughter see anyone except the biker with the chicken strips... and well... the comic practically wrote itself.

