Today's Comic

Guest strip: Ronan's Quest

Today's News

Let's have a round of applause

For PHIL JONES *wild cheers*. Phil's the cool guy who did the guest strip you see today. This was done in advance... since I knew the opportunity would eventually come up for me to show it instead of... well, nothing. Unfortunately, Phil had some computer problems, so there is no colour. Sigh. Maybe next time.

Incidentally, check out the goodies section for Phil's totally awesome wallpaper he did for us.



Mmm, pretty...

Ya, it's our first guest comic! I'm sure this means a lot to Alex, because now he can get some much needed and well deserved rest instead of doing the comic. For me this means that I had nothing to do with the comic and now have really nothing to write about.

Today's comic 5w337n355 (or "sweetness" for the un-1337) is brought to you by Phil, and by the letter "F". I really don't know Phil but I know his work, so you're in for a treat. Although all I"ve ever seen was the fan art we have in the goodies section, but he did a great job making the banana in Alex's hand not look so phallic. That takes skill.

Ya, I'm going to tell the truth here, the only reason you guys are getting a post from me is because 1. I want you to suffer, and 2. because "Scrubs" was cancled. I had forgotten completely to do a post and when "Scrubs" wasn't on I needed a half hour dead, and the computer is the world's greatest short-term time assassin. And so, I give you this.

I know, not much, but what are you gonna do? You're here for the comic! If you want more posts go to a "blog" (I hate that word!) site or Penny Arcade. Enjoy!

Wait, I forgot, no Ranma 1/2 yet, and some one may have to die...
