Cold, very cold...
It first started with Duck Hunt for the Nintendo Entertainment System, next came Street Fighter 2: Turbo for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, later it was 007: Golden Eye for the N64, and it continues even today with Medal of Honour: Rising Sun for the Game Cube. Yes all games are out to get me, I've accepted that fact. It's everyone else who still needs to realize it!
Yes, my whinning about video games has evolved over the years, and so has the "colorful" language. I'm really only proud of the shirt in the first panle, everything else I'm trying to block out...
It's cold. I'm Canadian so when I say that you know I mean it. I walked my dogs yesterday and the temp was -30 degrees Celcious! For those of you not on metric thats about -21 F. And if you inclued the windchill you get death! I am of the opinion that if anyone who lives in a country where they can survive without having to cut open the house pet and crawl in it for warmth (say, oh I don't know, Cuba), would simply drop dead because of the cold.
Now a bunch of people are going to be saying "What a pussy, can't take the cold" or "You're Canadian, deal with it!". This is normally true, but not when we're celebrating our second straight week (I think) where the daily temp was between -30 and -25! I would kill for some global warming right about now.
Still waiting for my Ranma, no I will NOT drop it! I was told that delivery would talk 2 mabey 3 weeks. I'm now going to finish week 4 on Thursday (although I might be wrong, ever since my watch died I've lost all sense of time). My father suggested that perhaps the man I'm buying the Ranma from is not entirely honest. If this is true I hope he can run fast, because if I dont get my Ranma by next week, he may never walk again! Now that's not motivation for him to send me my stuff asap I don't know what is!
While I'm thinking of it I'd like to direct everyone to a great Celtic punk band called Floggin' Molly. If you like punk (the good kind, not raido stuff) I suggest you down load a great little ditty called "Devil's Dance Floor", and prepare to commence rocking.
There's another band I'd like to mention, but I'll do that on Friday when you're not all boared of reading these rants. Until then, enjoy!