Today's Comic

Alex the LEGEND

Today's News

Skies of Arcadia: Coolest RPG ever?

Well the comic isn't totally true. I did have some homework that needed to be done too. What consumed more of my time though was Skies of Arcadia: Legends (the Gamecube port of the Dreamcast Skies of Arcadia). I tell you, this is one kick-ass RPG. I can only hope that they'll come out with a sequel. In the comic I'm dressed as Vyse, the main character, and quite possibly the coolest pirate ever to captain an airship.

Really, if I think about it, the only other games I have felt so strongly about are all the Zelda games since the N64... and that's saying a lot.

Stupid school and friends for having priority... *grumble*...

I should also probably mention that Moonfish are these fish like things that kinda float around in the air (in SoA:L) that you have to catch and then give to this doctor dude, who then feeds them to this giant bird thing, and in return you can get cool items... Yeah, maybe the game is a little messed up... but only in the coolest way possible.



Don't know what to write...

Once again I've been far from home and not yet recived word from Alex. As such I have no idea what the comic (if any) is going to be. My best guess is he was visiting "the wife" or has mounds of homework and will do no comic until later. The latter seems the most likely. Deal with it.

Not much to really say right now. The PayPal account has run into a wall and we're having a hard time putting the "donate" button up. I've pretty much just been stalking the mail man in hopes of receiving my Ranma DVDs. I'll do a better post later.

Umm, that about sums it up for now, if there's a comic, enjoy! If not, just wait longer, we always deliver, and if we're a day or more late it's FREE!
