MOH: Rising Sun and Time Splitters 2 makes Ronan a tired boy...
OK, here's the deal, it's 10:30 and Alex hasn't asked me for a comic or told me what the comic is yet! Which means he's working over time so I'll leave any explanations up to him... although I'm pretty sure what the comic is going to be. Don't worry, it's great!
Ya, I didn't post last comic because I was really busy. I dont think you missed much, all I have to say about Wednsday's comic (other than I loved it) is that, when Alex first sang, I coined the phrase "AHHHGGG! MY FUCKING EARS ARE BLEEDING! AHHHGGG! GOD PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!".
Also, mad props go out to Alex on the last comic. It's really cool to see that he's gotten much better and is now cabable to just play around with different drawing styles. Although I still think he's got Ian from chained up in his closet...
I have, for a time, aquired a copy of both MOH (Medal Of Honour): Rising Sun and Time Splitters 2. As such I'm trying to invest as much time in the multi-player as I possibly can. I"ll have the usual complaints for you on Monday, but until then the Japanese/Americans must DIE! It really depends on which team I'm on...
Well now that I've sufficiantly alienated both our American and Japanese readers (ya, we DO have a few Japanese readers. I know, it's so cool...) I'll say umm, enjoy?