A few things to discuss...
It happens to everyone... with a comic. You run out of ideas. Of course we at The Dominos Online.com are prepared for just such an occasion! I thought it was about time we did a "we don't have a comic" comic... well at least one that was funny. Yeah, we just keep getting better and better.
WOW! In less than a week, we're 24th overall and 3rd in the Humor section of TWC! We actually just beat out Shaw Island for 3rd place! Thanks for all your amazing support everyone, and please keep it up.
Money does not grow on trees. The $20 bill I planted in my backyard has yet to yeild any crop. And we like money :). As such, Alex and I have decided to go along with all the other web comics and begin a donations program. We set up a PayPal account so that you, the readers, may donate funds to our noble cause. This is not to say that those who do not donate will be hunted down and had their knee-caps broken by burly men. All it means is that if you want to say donate 50 cents to our cause you can. Whatever you want to give is fine. We'll also start working on a program where those who donate will receive gifts, such as art work from Alex, or extra wallpapers. Although nothing is finalised, and many kinks need to be worked out. Keep your eye out for a "donate" button to apear, and if you can spare it, give. If you have any questions, comments, etc. e-mail me at ronan@thedominosonline.com .
I had someone ask me how we got our style recently. My first answer was "Alex's right hand", but real answer is more detailed. I cannot really comment on the drawing style as I, myself, see it as very unique. Perhaps people could bug Alex and he'll let you in on his little secrets. As for our comedic influences I would have to start with Penny-Arcade. It was after reading Penny-Arcade's archives that Alex and I came up with the idea for a web comic. Our humor is definatley based on PA, but also on MegaTokyo and more recently MacHall. But it's not just web comics, we also enjoy a little Woody Alen from time to time. As is everyone's personallity, our style is shaped by our influences to create an entirly unique style that we've all come to know and love.