Today's Comic


Today's News

Another day, another comic. Life is good...

Ya, he really shouldn't have made that ten-year-old joke, but oh well, here we are. I should also note that this tidbit of funny comes from Alex, for the second time I might add... I'm losing my job here!

On a lighter note, as of 9:51 PM on Tuesday, The Dominos is number is 54th out of 237 web comics. Take that East St.Louis! Also, in the humor genre we're 8th! And that's only after two or three days. Thanks for all your support guys. Remember, you can vote every day, so do it... we love you.

I just got back from karate. Normally right now I'm listening to the Clash or some old AFI to get the bad taste of rap music out of my head. You see, our dojo insists that music is vital to our training. Anyway, a different guy started training us, and the music has somewhat improved. Yes, there's nothing like punching someone in the face while listening to "Welcome to the jungle" by Guns n' Roses or "Rock the Casba" by the Clash.

Moveing on. I watched "Chasing Amy", a Kevin Smith movie. For those of you who don't know Kevin Smith he is the writer/director of many movies, most notabley "Dogma" (my personal favourite) and "Jay and Silent Bob Strike back". He also plays Silent Bob. Now, here's the thing, I loved "Dogma" and I laughed at most of "Jay and Silent Bob Strike back", but I hardly chuckled at "Chasing Amy". And the thing was, I had seen ads that screamed funny at me and it being Kevin Smith I really wanted to laugh. However, it was not to be. I'm not saying there was no funniness at all, the one and only scene with Jay and Silent Bob was great, and a lot of the first hour with Jason Lee was alright, but on the whole, something was lacking. Mabey it's the fact that it is the third in a trilogy, and I havent seen any of the others, or mabey because it's actually mostly a whiney realationship movie.

Oddly enough the deleted sceens were more saturated with Kevin's normal comedic genious than the whole of the movie (Jay and Silent Bob scene not included). It's like they edited out all the good or funny stuff, and then left the shit in there.

Ok, I've seen/read reveiws of Capcom's newest masterpeice "Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO", and I'm a little dissapointed. However it's not with the game play or graphics, it's with the idiots who write the reveiws. Everyone's main complaint is dated graphics, they say that it's 2-D. Well of course it's 2-D! That's the genre you idiots! If you have a genre like 2-D fighters, making it 3-D would kinda defeat the whole purpose. Also, most 2-D fighters are based on anime, so when the look like animated, that's because theor supposed to! I'll admit that maybe the 2-D fighter is a little date for all these so called "next generation" systems, but I also think that they'd be greatly missed. It's like in film, we can do better than black and white, but sometimes we go back to it.

I'd also like to point out that everyone who I know who owns an Xbox, is now without video games because they are all broken. All I have to say is; it's Microsoft, you should've seen it coming, dumb-ass. Wow, that's a lot of posting, oh well, enjoy!


You know...

It's really fun when I can put out nice comics on time. Just the feeling that you get from accomplishing something you're proud of is enough to keep me doing this. The support I get from you guys doesn't hurt either...

Like Ronan said, we're doing fairly well in Top Web Comics. Being in eighth place in the humour section means they're showing our banner. Thanks for all the people who are supporting us, and keep voting.

As for the comic, once again it features Emily... being mad at me. No surprises there. Thanks to my brother for over analysing stupid things people say. Without him... well, this comic wouldn't exist.

