Today's Comic

A real winner

Today's News


Alright, here's the deal. Top Web Comics has opened up again. It's a site where people vote for the top web comics. Simple, no? You don't actually have to go there. All you have to do to vote for us is to click on this little picture .

Now here's what you can do for us. Vote! If you like this comic, this is your chance to show your appreciation. Once a day you can vote at TWC. So please, PLEASE, if you think this comic is at all worth seeing, the vote. I'll probably include the little voting thing in every post of mine, so don't worry. If you're to lazy to scroll up a few lines, here's the voting link again:

Now vote!

Also, just a reminder that we have a nice new wallpaper up in the Goodies section.



A post...

Hmm, I haven't talked to Alex since Wednesday, so I'm not sure what the comic for today is going to be. But fear not citizens! Alex has a good record of coming up with great comics when I'm not around. Actually, we had a bit of a dry spell on Monday, and I just haven't been able to get my new ideas to Alex.

Also, come Monday Alex and I will be returning to school. And once again I, the man with the slackest job at The Dominos, has another super slack schedule, while Alex, with the most important/time-consuming job, has a regular schedule. This means long, well thought out comic ideas and the possibility of stick men. You didn't think we'd forget about them did you? Oh, you did! (Redeemer!)

Well, this was actually supposed to be a really short post, but I guess comparatively it is. Well, I just got some "dot.Hack" and "Jubei Ninja Girl" and that adds up to 14 hrs of anime, so I've got my work cut out for me. Until next time, enjoy!



I'm done the comic (albeit a little late) but I hope you like it. I did what I said I was going to do. I took my time and actually put out something I like. If only I could get this kind of time more often.

And no, that's not a 10 year old, that's my girlfriend.

