Today's Comic

Your abs didn't help you that time

Today's News

It's a brand new year

Before I get started, I'll just mention that I didn't get a post from Ronan today. I'm attributing this to the fact that yesterday was his mom's birthday, and he was busy doing whatever one does at their mother's party.

Well, seeing as it was New Year's yesterday, we figured we'd run a comic to reflect that. The dude in the glasses is our friend Jesse (who owes us money for this site... don't think I didn't remember). Getting a six-pack WAS his resolution last year, and this is an approximation of something he said to Ronan. The resulting comic is what would have happened had I been there.

Oh yeah, about the background (in the strip). I know it's pretty half-assed. I finished all the drawings, and I realized that I had no idea what to do for a background. The lazyness you see is the result.

2003 has officially passed us, and I for one thought very highly of it. It marked the beginning of Dominos Online, as well as the creation of 40 (real) comics. I for one have really enjoyed doing this. I must say that I've progressed quite a bit, and I sure hope I'll continue to learn throughout 2004. We'll also be starting (if we can ever get off our asses... and if Jesse will ever give us our money) to market this site a little better, so hopefully we'll be seeing some new faces in this coming year. For everyone who has visited and enjoyed our site in the past, I must express my sincerest gratitude. Without you, I probably would have stopped out of frustration. For now though, I'm really beginning to feel good about this humble strip. I'm looking forward to seeing what 2004 has in store for us.

Hope you all had a happy New Year's,


Another year, another empty promise...

Morning, afternoon, or good evening, choose one appropriate to the time at which you check the comic. Oh, and a happy New Year. I actually ended up pissing away the final day of 2003, but that's what I did the whole year, so why change. On that note, 2004 looks like it's going to turn out the same way.

And now, the comic. As many people do, a good friend of The Dominos Online decided to make getting in shape his New Year's resolution. As such, he never shuts the fuck up about his newly acquired physique. And so, a comic was born. The gag in the comic is actually a little slapstick gag my brother and I used to perform. It got laughs.

To make things easier, my New Year's resolution was to be even lazier and more apathetic. It's really a win-win situation. Either I fulfil my resolution, and life is good, or (as most people do) I totally neglect my resolution and become a normal, healthy, productive member of society.

Cross your fingers.

Well today, or yesterday to every one reading this, it's my mom's birthday. So I must endure much housework and a few annoying members of the community. So with that I'll say, happy birthday mommy and a happy New Year every body. Enjoy!
