Today's Comic

It's a Wonderful Life - Part 3

Today's News

Sorry folks

I've been stuck with family for the past two days, so I wasn't able to get a strip done. I probably could get one done now... but I'm in a lazy Christmas mood. So no comic till Monday.

Besides, Ronan didn't even send me a post. So... blame him!



And they lived happily ever after...

Ok, first off, I FUCKING HATE SNIPERS!!! We'll get to that in a minute. Now, the comic. How else could it have ended? I mean really, you had to see that coming. The whole series was actually created for this ending (although the last two panles were brilliantly added by Alex). I'm sad to see it over, I'll miss Seraphim, she's been a real sport, but I'm sure Piro is looking for her.

Why the sudden animosity towards snipers all of a sudden? Well, I've always hated snipers, but during a recent team CTF game in Halo, they pissed me off even more. Every time I'd get locked in a great 1-on-1 battle, my opponent's partener would snipe me, making face-to-face combat pointless. I got mad, things were said, stuff was broken, and we still lost. I hope ever sniper gets a big juicy cock in their stocking this year. Fuck'em all.

Hmm, not really the best way to end this post... but I'm running out of time. Tommorrow I see Return of the King again (because once is never enough). So I hope you all have a merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah (ya, be happy it's there! I had such a hard time trying to spell it I almost said "Happy Jew Day" but then realized that was stupid), and I'm gonna stop there because I can't spell and I think I've already pissed off enough people already. So I'll just say happy holidays, and happ birthday Jesus Christ, who would be turning 2004 years old. I might have got that wrong, so if I did go ahead and point that out.

I'm not sure what our holliday schedual is going to be like, so if we miss a day of posting... just wait longer. Enjoy!



I don't know what to say... I think Ronan has pretty much said it all.

Happy holidays,
