Today's Comic

It's cold season

Today's News

It's a post

Well, I haven't received a post from Ronan yet, so he's either lazy or dead/dying. Either one is a pain in the ass for me. Then again, this is the earliest I've ever posted a comic. It's 1:42 AM and I realized that, since it's Monday, I could just post right now instead of getting up early tomorrow. Heh, as if that would happen.

As for the comic, I sure hope that you realize I'm making fun of that Contac commercial. I've been meaning to make fun of it for a while now. I only hope that I've done its great stupidity justice.

If you've never seen the commercial, I suppose it's not the worst thing that could happen. You could be swimming in the Amazon and have the candiru fish swim up your urethra. It has barbs all across its body that will lodge it in place so it can suck your blood. Bad for your urethra, and even worse if you plan on taking it out.



It's the most wonderful time of the year...

It's that time of the year again. Yep, cold/flu season, and the worst part is the commercials! Quite frankly, if had the choice between having a cold or watching that damn commercial I'd take the cold. Which is why you've got what you see today. Proof that I don't ACTUALLY have to do my job the whole time.

I didn't know which comic was going to run when I wrote my last post, so let's go back to Friday's comic. Are we there yet? Good! In three words; I love it! It is now my new favourite comic! The main reason being that it just looked so damn good! It's really amazing when you have something in your mind and then it comes out and becomes something like what you saw on Friday. I don't know if Alex sold his soul to the devil to get such mad drawing 5ki112 or if he kiddnaped Ian from and forces him to draw our comic, but either way things are looking a lot better around here.

Well, the holidays are coming and that means I'm flat fucking broke. It also means that the cache of new and awsome games that Japan has been hording have finally been released. It also means that I wont see "Unreal Tournement II" or "Deus Ex: Invisable Wars" for a very looooong time. Which means I can and will go in-fucking-sane between now and whenever they drop the price to 30$ or less.

We'll, it's almost 9:30 am, and that means I have to see a woman about devouring my happiness and soul... I mean school registration. Enjoy!
