Today's Comic

It's my party...

Today's News

It's just one big party...

Well, as you may have guessed, it's Alex's birthday today! As such I gave him full permission (i.e. Nodded and said "Yes sir") to do a slack stick comic. But hey what the hell, anything for the birthday boy. It makes me laugh.

I just got an e-mail called "so 80's & 90's". It's for anyone who lived through the 80's and 90's and makes staments like, "You remember Slapper braclets", "L.A. Gear... ","You can sing the rap to the "Fresh Prince of Belair"" and finnally "You know all the words to Bon Jovi - YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME". I, of course answered, yes, yes and immediatly sang both songs AND did the appropriate guitar noises and hip-hop sounds. Was that wrong?

Ok, now on to the news.

Not a whole lot has been happening around here lately... I'm sorry. We've gone kinda Mega Tokyo and left the "goodies" section kinda dry. I promise that by Christmas we will have a few new items in there. Right now Alex is reading this and shaking his head, that's ok. As soon I get the hang on Photo Shop editor you'll have all the goodies you'll ever need. So, as a bonus, if there's anything in particular you wanna see available, feel free to e-mail me. I feel confident in saying this because everyone has stopped reading by the end of the first paragraph, and no one hardly responds to these things.

I'm going to have to stop here, I've got a lot of home work and I was out raking leaves and cleaning up a yard for cash. Such is the glorious life of the web comedian. Enjoy! And Happy Birthday Alex!


I miss L.A. Gear...

I must mention,

My brother was kind enough to do that backgroud for me.

That is all.