Today's Comic

How 'bout a carrot?

Today's News

You know...

I don't even do drugs. I don't know how I come up with this stuff. It just happens.

Ronan was gone for the evening, so you'll get his post later today. Not that he has anything to say about the comic... but then again, I WROTE it, and I have nothing to say either.

Plenty to say...

First things first, my title is misleading. Now on to the comic. How does Alex come up with this stuff? Aliens, every third Wednesday of the month he's abducted and forced to endure mind altering experiments to see what kind of stuff he can come up with. And come on, look, the bunny's standing! How funny is that!

Moving on. Sorry about the late post, but I had karate last night. I thought about doing the post when I got home, but I got punched in the face really hard and figured sleep was better.

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Special edition should be out soon. God I want it! Unfortunately I'm flat fucking broke which means...uh...well no movie for me. Actually, all I really want is the little Golem toy that comes with it.

Well, that's it for me today, I've still got essays to do and so on, so until next time, enjoy!