Today's Comic

Ronan + MS Paint = Cut and Paste

Today's News

Post by Ronan! Comic by Ronan! Who do you love...?

I'm doing the most dangerous thing I can possible do; write a news post while listing to Guns 'n Rose's "Welcome to the Jungle". It's mainly dangerous for those who have to listen to me sing along with Axle Rose!

But why am I doing comic and post? Well it's a somewhat futile attempt to help Alex, but it's just cut and paste without the sexiness that is PhotoShop editor. The comic story is just something I've always wanted to do. I get incredibly useless Spam (like most of you I'm sure) and well, this is how my mind works.

Well I'm going to look in to PhotoShop editor so you may see more of these Ronan inc. produced comics, hopefully in better quality. Hey it beats a stick comic right? ...right?

Well, my e-mail is back up so if you want to send me a question, comment feel free. Hate mail should be directed to, it's just more convenient this way.

Well that's all I have for now, Ronan doing comic = short post (please, no jumping for joy until I can't see you anymore). So, as always, enjoy!


I'm so sorry...

Yes, I actually asked Ronan to do a comic... knowing full well that he only has MS Paint and limited skills. Actually, with that said, it really isn't as bad as it could have been.

I was super busy thursday night with this damn chemestry précis that I ended up finishing at 6:30 AM because my power went out at about 9:00 and didn't come back on until I was asleep. I also was gone for all of yesterday, so the comic took a back seat. It's now almost 2:00 saturday... deffinatly the latest posting we've ever done.

Oh well, only a couple of weeks before this semester is over...

