A revolution of a different sort...
Ok, today's comic and most of this post is going to be about "The Matrix: Revolutions". So if you haven't seen the movie and DO NOT want large parts of the movie STOP READING RIGHT NOW!!
Alright, if you're still here then you've either seen the movie (good for) or you don't care (boo, *hiss*). On to the comic. If you've seen the movie then you'll know that to escape the machines, Neo and Trinity fly above the clouds and see the sun. This ruined the rest of the movie for me. IF THE SUN IS STILL THERE, WHY DIDN'T THE MACHINES JUST BUILD A BIG SOLAR PANLE RATHER THAN ENSLAVE HUMANITY? And thus a comic was born!
The only other thing that pissed me off about this movie was Trinity's death scene. Christ! It went on for-fucking-ever! Just when you thought it was over, she starts reminiscing. When we left the theatre there was only a sliver of moon, compared to the full one that we saw earlier, at first I just figured it to two weeks for Trinity to die before I remembered the eclipse!
But hey, don't get me wrong, I loved "Revolutions", if you haven't seen, and don't mind that I just gave away a large part of the story, then go see it! Unless you're one of those bastards who hated "Matrix: Reloaded", in which case, go buy an N-Gage.
People have been asking (and by asking I mean complaining) about the amount of stick comics that we have. I'd like to address that issue. First of all, fuck you. Alex is a VERY busy man. The fact that he finds time to do three comics a week and do all his work is a miracle in and of itself. We're coming upon the end of term so there will be final assignments and Exams to study for, so things are more likely to get better than worse. But fear not loyal readers, for the month of December will be school-free leaving Alex and myself more time to write and draw comics, so things will pick-up, just be patient!
And now a public service announcement: Don't buy KFC's new BBQ wings, they do taste like shit. I was forced to endure them Saturday, and it was not pleasant. The colonel has dishonourably discharged his seven secret herbs and spices in favour of a new secret sauce that I suspect is just BBQ sauce that's been sitting by a heater for some time now. Do not eat unless you own an N-Gage.
Too many N-Gage jokes? It's ok, I'm done for now. Enjoy the comic and I'll see ya next update.