Today's Comic

I'd like to see you try

Today's News

Lazy bastards...

Right, today's comic is really more a shot at Alex than anything else. But if you've been here long enough you'll know it's long over due.

I went, against better judgement, to see "Kill Bill" again. I would have liked to seen something else but no other good movies were playing at a convenient time. Actually, the only other movie that was there was "House of the Dead". Now, normally I'd be interested in a movie that's based on a video game, except it isn't. No, it only has the name in common. I think the way the did it was a bunch of fuck heads sat down and said "How can we ruin this movie?" Well guy's you did exactly what you said you would.

Of course life is full of people like that. When I left the theater I couldn't help but notice a van parked diagonally acrross two spots. And it wasn't just a poorly parked car, this guy had tried very hard and had parked so that both spots were unusable. My friend suggested that while parking he ran out of gas, in which case he's just an idiot, I, however, invision a guy driving around and thinking to himself "How can I be an asshole today?"

Well, I've got papers to write and shows to watch, so enjoy the comic. I think Alex spruced it up a little (he's good at that) so I'm looking forward to it, and his post which I suggest you read.


An odd friday

As I mentioned Friday, this Halloween I went to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show... in drag. I must say, once I had my makeup on, I made a pretty good Frank. The two female friends that I went with dressed as Magenta and Columbia, so we made quite the trio. I'll see if I can put pictures on the site later. Interesting how I had more makeup than the two of them. The looks we got going to the theatre were priceless, but once we got within a few hundred yards of the place, we fit right in. As for the movie itself, if you haven't seen it, go see it (although you may hate me for it). If you liked it and haven't seen it in theatre, go see it. It's a totally different experience. The movie was funny before, but this way it was hilarious. There were just so many things being shouted out at any given time, it was crazy.

After the movie, we took the long bus ride back to Em's house where we played pool. Nigel played Starcraft. I had some pizza.

I also had two hours of sleep.

In the following day, I documented four different ways my eyes felt due to lack of sleep. First was just general droopiness: the kind where you're eyes throb from the back of your head, and you just can't seem to be able to keep your eyelids open. Second felt like there were chemical fumes burning my eyes. Third felt like there were tiny little bits of sand in my eyes; sand that I just knew wouldn't come out, no matter how hard I tried. Fourth occurred when I was taking a relaxing shower at the end of the day and began to black out; even though my eyes were open, blackness was enveloping my vision. I'd defiantly say that the last one was the scariest.

I got fifteen hours of sleep that night. Thank God.