You think artists are lazy, you should see the news posting...
We've employed a rather ingenious (and hopefully successful) advertising campaign to attract more readers. If you want more info, go bug Alex. And for all of you who are new to the site I recommend that you start here . Or go and have some fun in the archives, but if you do, blame Alex for any pre-historical comics there.
Right, that's everything I needed to cover. Most of the time I've got more to say, but it's been a slow weekend. I would, however, like to take this opportunity to say good bye to a very old friend of mine who is moving to Whistler (lucky bastard). Good luck Jaron, and try to get us free passes!
And on that note I'm off, so enjoy the comic (and archives). And don't forget, my Dominos account is working so feel free to send me an e-mail for whatever reason (Jaron I'm looking at you).