Today's Comic

The European Dream

Today's News

Hey, I'm sure it happened...

As always, while trying to come up with a comic, the conversation between Alex and myself' was diverted, and this topic came up. It probably came up because I was playing Mech Warrior, which makes you feel god-like...

Right, so I'm at school and a guy in one of my classes comes up to me and says "Hey man, can I borrow your cell phone?" You see, the problem is, I don't have one, and I told him so, to which he replies "Yeah you do, it's the one with all the games that you always play in class." "Oh," I said "You mean my GBA sp?" and he says "Yeah, that's like the cell phone with all the games." "YES" I told him "EXCEPT WITHOUT THE FUCKING CELL PHONE!"

No particular reason I shared that with you, I just felt you'd all enjoy it. Also, my Dominos e-mail account is now operational, so feel free to divide your hate-mail between both me and Alex, or just Alex.

You're all very lucky that it's been a slow week for me, so enjoy the (hopefully non-stick) comic. Hehe, who am I kidding, I love the stick guys. Enjoy!
