Today's Comic

Performance Anxiety

Today's News

I had a good title, I just can't remember it...

Today's comic is brought to you by my inability to remember most people's names! It's becoming a real problem, maybe I'll get it checked out...

If you don't know by now, both Alex and I go to college (CEGEP...). And, of course, whenever you meet someone you always get the third degree; "What are you taking, what do you want to be", and so on. Why do these people pretend to care?! The next person who asks me "what do you want to do as a career?" I'm just going to say "I aspire to be the leader of a satanic cult where I force themembers to commit ritualistic suicide, after they've given me all their money and possesions, then move to Mexico and live like a king. Want to join?"

Alex got some rather interesting hate mail the other day, he wasn't going to post on it so I thought I would. You can read the post's here. Look, about the Nazi comic, it was my idea . I wasn't trying to insult anyone except Wal-Mart and Nazis. Why? Because I hate Wal-Mart and I hate Nazis even more, and at the time, I thought I'd draw a parallel between the two because at the time I was angry with Wal-Mart for discriminating againts me. Now, I'm not trying to say that the kind of discrimination I recived was the same, I only used it because I couldn't think of a way to my message of discrimination across, accept by using the worst form of discrimination in our world's history. The Nazis did something terrible and everyone knows that, that's why I used the Nazis. It was NEVER intended to be hateful towards the Jewish community, quite frankly I never thought that it would ever be a problem. But, I would like to appologise to anyone who was offended and hope that you still come back for more laughter.

Well, I'm outta here, I got stuff to do so enjoy the comic!


I have but one complaint

The right click button on my pen (for the graphics tablet) is broken... WHY IS LIFE SO CRUEL? I guess there's nothing left for me to do but to join Ronan's cult...