Today's Comic


Today's News

Dead people have felt better...

Today's comic asks one of those "what if" questions. I've never actually been golfing and at the prices that golf courses I probably never will. And now, of course, if I ever do go, I will be obligated to test out our unique Domino's style driving (in more ways than one). Also, I just can't take a sport with a dress code seriously.

Wednesday/Thursday I was sick, so there will be no trip to the Delirium this week (that and our resident Driving Jesus is going to be in at some military training thing. On my birthday no less), but if you care we'll be going again next week same time. Also, if you're trying to e-mail me, don't bother, my computer was "recovered" to an earlier time so my account and all messages were deleted.

Wow, posting really makes you tired, and I'm lazy so that's all I have for today. Enjoy!


News break

Yesterday as I sat down to eat lunch (Mac & Cheese at 3:30) I turned on the TV to see what was on. Given that I have about three functioning channels, the answer was: not much. I did however see something that made me laugh. I caught the end of a Soap Opera right before there was a "news update" thingummy. The news? Football scores. Everything you could possibly want to know about the NFL for a good minute and a half. Who the hell was actually paying attention to this? Better yet, what kind of crack-heads are running that station?