Today's Comic

I'm an Unhappy Man

Today's News

Falling behind

Yeah... there's no comic for today (Monday) so I just kept the old one up (it's a good one though so no harm done). You're probably wondering why I didn't do a comic. After all, I did have the whole weekend. Well the answer is, quite simply: golf. I didn't make a comic because of golf. How stupid does that sound?

I signed up for golf as my Phys Ed part for school. Little did I know that we would be required to go golfing from noon to seven Saturday AND Sunday... for two consecutive weekends. On top of that, my parents weren't around so I had to bike to the course (cross-country for an hour, one way). I barely had time to study for the two tests I had today, let alone time enough to do a comic. It's pretty sad when you come out of a weekend more tired than you were going in.

So there you have it. I had NO time this weekend and I might not have any next weekend either. The next comic will be on schedule for Wednesday. Until then.



Where to begin...

Ok, lots to get done today so stick around for this. First and foremost, what's up with today's comic. To be honest, I have no idea. I'm writing this Sunday and Alex has yet to tell me which one it is. I leave the comic section of the rant in his capable hands...

I hope every one remembers "The Less You Know" because they will be playing, along with many other bands, at Bumper's Roadhouse on October 4. The doors open at 3 pm and it's an all age's show (I guess). Tickets are 5$. And just in case you don't know where Bumper's is, it's on 580 Bank st. I hope to see many people there to support our local talent.

Ok, so for the first few posts I'd talk a lot about games, but I also promised to branch off in to other forms of media, like what I did above. I'm going to do it again. Late last night I was channel surfing, I have a satallite dish so I see names of shows before I see the show itself. Then I saw it, the word Inuyasha. I had seen that word before, but where? Puzzled, I began to watch. After what seemed an eternity of commercials, he appeared. It was, as I expected, an anime show. But I immediately remembered where I'd seen it before. It was made by them same good folks who brought us Ranma 1/2! Now for those of you who don't know who or what Ranma is, you're outta luck for rest of this post.

Let me begin by explaining who/what Inuyasha is. As I said it's anime show about a half demon half man named Inuyasha in a demon-inhabited fudal Japan (I know it sounds cliche but stay with me). Next we meet Kagome, a 15 year old girl (yet another staple of the anime industry...) who's brother thinks that the family cat has fallen in to an ancient well. Like Alice in Wonderland, she is pulled in to this magical world of demons and such. I've only seen the first 4 episodes, and I have to admit I'm hooked. Unfortunately they were aired on uh, I'm not sure where, it was late, but they were of course heavily censored (which, if you watch anime, isn't always such a bad thing). But even then it was great . And for those of you who actually watch Ranma (yes all three of you, and you know who you are), you will recognize many similarities, plot-wise and character-wise. Also the voice of Male Ranma (from the last half of the series) does the voice of Inuyasha.

I'm also happy to report that my bandages have been removed and that I have almost completly recovered. I say almost because you can hardly notice the mark where I was burned, but I have been told to stay out of direct sunlight (AFI, cool). I took this news with mixed emotions, I have pretty much been told to stay inside and play SCII for the next 3 weeks, but then again, summer is giving way to fall. I would much rather be forced indoors during the summer. Why? Because I hate the heat, and it's not like summer is that great anyways. I can do everything I can do in the summer any other time of the year. In fact, I think summer is the least entertaining season, because you can't ski etc. But I'm getting off track. I've been typing too long, I need a break. Until next time...

Domin-O's and much, much more...

Ok, today's comic comes from the twisted mind of Alex Charlton. Not much is known about the mind or what it contains, but scientists say that while veiwing caution is advised. Also, I'd like everyone to hum the song So Happy Together by the Turtles when myself amd Mr. Tumnus are in the first 3 panels. More from Alex...

Ya, so a few days ago I got an e-mail from someone asking me if they could do a Dominos Online t-shirt. To be honest I'd just never thought about that sort of thing... well, I didn't think it would happen so early. I don't know what the whole deal is or how it's going to work. It may just start out as a few shirts (5-10) being printed or whatever. Maybe if things go well we'll be able to actually distribute them on a larger scale. I'll keep you posted on the shirts as things develop. This week shirts, next week breakfast ceral, the week after, THE WORLD!!!

Ok, so Alex posted our site on a Crt-Alt-Del Olnline forum, and some guy came back and said that we look too much like Crt-Alt-Del Olnline. Fuck, there's just no pleasing anyone! Or mabey it's the fact that we look too much like PA and Crt-Alt-Del Olnline is PA's bastard child! But hey, I love Crt-Alt-Del Olnline so don't get mad. I think what people do is they read our comic, think "Hey, who do they most closely resemble" and then atomatically assume we fucking stole their idea. Alex also goes on and on about the fact that we're not a "gamer comic". So what if we were? Would we then be too much like PA and Crt-Alt-Del? Do they own the genre? I think that their fans think they do. I think that if we really looked like another comic like PA or Crt-Alt-Del, they wouldn't care! Why? Because as long as the comic is about the life of Ronan and Alex and not Gabe and Tyco, we are different.

Well that's all the time I've got for today. I'm going to get some thing to eat, see ya.

I don't know why

Ronan seems to think I have more to add about this comic. Uh... well, you're lucky you actually have a comic like this today (six panels on a thursday night, and I only got home at 9:00) buy I felt I should end this Tumnus thing as soon as possible. Don't I feel like an asshole now, too... I don't have more to say since I'm falling asleep.