Today's Comic

Guess Again

Today's News

What actually happened...

Ok, so I'll tell you why my post was late after I finish this. The comic today is a continuation of yesterday's. A concept that is new on Dominos but it'll probably happen again. Also look for Mr.Tumnus to apear again.

Ok, so what did happen to me. Well, long story short I got second degree burns on my forhead and had to go to the hospital. I stayed there for 2 hrs before a doctoctor came in, looked at me and could only utter "Dear god". By this time I was screaming "CODIENE!!!". Of course it took another hour for them to actually do anything. But I did eventually get my codeine in the form of Tylenol 3. Tylenol 3, now that will fuck you up. I couldn't feel my face fpr the next 12 hrs, and I also had trouble standing up straight for the next 24, but it all worked out in the end. They have since denied me more Tylenol 3 so I'm kinda getting the shakes...

The whole experiance left me feeling like Max Payne, using pain killers and all, that and I was drugged out of my mind for some time (although I didn't have any fucked up dreams). I'm also very sleepy so I'm going to have to leave you all now. I'll be up and about tomorrow so fear not.


Sleeping in

It has it's advantages. I slept in today and realized that I didn't really have to go to school after all. At least I tried to sleep in... but there's construction work being done beside my house, and it's awfully hard to sleep when the floor under your bed is shaking and there's a noise like a thousand nails being drawn across a thousand chock boards that's reverbrating through the air. Well, it's still better than getting up at six and the biking to school.

I'm not a total slacker though. I'm not skipping school just because I got up late. I have to take the test to get my learner's licence and that's a great excuse not to go to boring class upon boring class. Ronan's advice to me for this test: don't think. These tests are all written by short french guys (yes, they're always short) in some cubicle in Montreal. They're angry at the world so they make sure that every one who takes their tests must suffer too. Vague question upon vague question is thrown at you with multiple right answers. Then you look at some of the morons who hold a licence and you realize that they were able to pass. Why? Because the right answers are the stupid ones. Always buckle up. Doesn't matter if your driving around in a glass car; if you get in a crash, that seat belt is going to save your life. See? Simple! I'll just hit myself on the head a few times before going to take the test and I'll be fine.

