Today's Comic

No Exaggeration Needed

Today's News

A Disclamer

Look, about the Nazi comic, it was my idea . I wasn't trying to insult anyone except Wal-Mart and Nazis. Why? Because I hate Wal-Mart and I hate Nazis even more, and at the time, I thought I'd draw a parallel between the two because at the time I was angry with Wal-Mart for discriminating againts me. Now, I'm not trying to say that the kind of discrimination I recived was the same, I only used it because I couldn't think of a way to my message of discrimination across, accept by using the worst form of discrimination in our world's history. The Nazis did something terrible and everyone knows that, that's why I used the Nazis. It was NEVER intended to be hateful towards the Jewish community, quite frankly I never thought that it would ever be a problem. But, I would like to appologise to anyone who was offended and hope that you still come back for more laughter.

Banana mango muffin

Ok, this one's gonna be short and sweet 'cause I gotta go to karate. Ok, so we all know that Wal Mart, like Microsoft, are nazis. Let's face it, they're all evil money grabbing corporations who like to fuck with us. You'd think that they would at least let us PAY THEM to to buy games with a "Mature 17+" rating even if we arn't old enough .Anyways, this is one of those "what if" comics, it's what would happen if Wal Mart showed their true colors.

I saw "The medallion" with Jackie Chan. It's not as good as the Rush Hour series, but it's defiantly worth seeing. It's got Lee Evans!! Come on, any movie with a British comedian and Jackie Chan can't fail! I'm not gonna give much away (because I'm lazy) so go see it.

Hopefully I'll have SCII the next time we're together, if not then I'll be at EB tommorrow just yelling at the clerk. I know it's not his fault but I have to yell at someone...

Well that's all the time I have for today. See ya.


My tummy hurts

Meanwhile you just site there taking in the free comics. The things I put up with...
