A Disclamer
Look, about the Nazi comic, it was my idea . I wasn't trying to insult anyone except Wal-Mart and Nazis. Why? Because I hate Wal-Mart and I hate Nazis even more, and at the time, I thought I'd draw a parallel between the two because at the time I was angry with Wal-Mart for discriminating againts me. Now, I'm not trying to say that the kind of discrimination I recived was the same, I only used it because I couldn't think of a way to my message of discrimination across, accept by using the worst form of discrimination in our world's history. The Nazis did something terrible and everyone knows that, that's why I used the Nazis. It was NEVER intended to be hateful towards the Jewish community, quite frankly I never thought that it would ever be a problem. But, I would like to appologise to anyone who was offended and hope that you still come back for more laughter.