Today's Comic

I'm Not Listening

Today's News

Mmm, Ninjas

We've been receiving hate mail. Well hate post. You can check it out here but I'll give you the gist of it. First off, apparently we look too much like Penny-Arcade, Duke, as he called himself, said that even our hair is the same color. Well shit, the fact is that Alex has brown hair and mine is much darker, as you know. We are actually basing our comic characters directly on our selves, so we can't really help it now can we? I think the only other thing that really links us to Penny-Arcade is the fact that Alex's shirt is blue, however he's been wearing that style of shirt (without Pr0n 574r of course) for years. I mean, has the guy even been to crtl-alt-del? That is like the bastard child of Penny-Arcade, yet it is a hilarious and, more importantly, original comic. Your friend and mine, Duke, went on to actually blame us, personally, for the downfall of Western civilization (he's made us heroes in the eyes of anarchists everywhere), that's a lot to blame on one little comic.

Anyway this comic is here to show that we are a strongly independent, original, and most of all entertaining web comic. Enjoy!

Ok, so now that that's out of the way, let's talk Ninja, Gaiden that is. I've just been reading about it and man, I can't wait. Any game with ninjas can't be that bad right? I remember vaguely the old school game and am now ready for an all new one. The plot reads like any anime movie/show, family killed by evil person, ninja isn't supposed to feel emotion but wants vengeance, everything must die. Throw in the Ryuken, a mystic sword, some amazing plot twist (and stuff that hasn't been released yet so it fucks you up even more) and you've got ninja Gaiden. The controls are apparently very easy, and from what I've read I'm going to liken them to Otogi. Fortunately for me it won't be out for a while, which means I won't have to divide my time between SCII and Ninja Gaiden just yet.

I've been getting some complaints that those of you with PS2's are feeling left out. I'd like to apologize and say that I love all systems on this wonderful planet; however I can't afford them all. I did, however, finally get a chance to play on of the PS2's finest works, GTA Vice City. As lovely and entertaining, the game is it is probably the worst influence on me. All the next day I'd be looking at a car and be trying to stop my self from running up, throwing the occupant out and taking off, all to the sounds of "I Ran" by Flock of Seagulls. If you hate the game (and if you do you have problems), then you'll at least love the soundtrack!

Speaking of sound tracks, I don't know if anyone still remembers, but Xbox came out with an Xbox sound track and I think they only did the one or maybe two. Either way, I think if Sony got off there asses and tried something like that for GTA Vice City it'd be a hit.

Just a few things left, Thief 3 is in the works I hear, and (this one's for Alex) F-Zero GX is either out now or out very soon, so more to come on both of those later!



If you want to see what this comic is really about and what changes we will be making, read this news post.

They did.

The GTA Vice City sound track was released on 7 cds (and one greatest hits cd). It's everything a fan of 80's music could ever want. You can get it at the Sony Music Store.

Also, by the time this post is published, F-Zero GX will have hit store shelves. If you're a fan of any racing game ever, this is a must own.

On the subject of our friend Duke, I must admit that we've been getting a lot of support from the aftermath of his little rant. I'd like to thank you all for sticking with us. That kind of bashing is much easier to bear when you have friends to support you.

A note about the comic: I had never intended for us to wear the same clothes all the time, so you'll notice I'm wearing something different in this strip. These changes will happen from time to time so get used to it.

