Today's Comic

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Today's News

The News Post Master...

Well what the fuck. That's what you're all thinking; I know I thought it myself. I mean come on! You've seen the comic you know what I mean. There really isn't much I can say as this comic sprouted from Alex's twisted mind rather than mine. But none the less it makes us laugh so it all works out in the end.

Hopefully I will have my e-mail account here at the dominos up and running soon. This way all my hate mail for my grammatical errors will have somewhere to go.

Ok, when Alex first said "Lets make a comic, I'll draw" I thought "Ha, sucks to be you...bitch" but I found that being the news post master is really hard work. I now have much, much more respect for Tyco at Penny Arcade, I don't know how he does it but his posts are, well you know. So in short, bear with me, Alex's drawing skills need time to improve and so do my posting skills.

Let me start by introducing you all to a little group called "The Less You Know". I'll probably never do another music review but I know most of the guys in the band so I thought I'd tell you all about them. They're pretty good I have to admit. They play "Melodic Punk Rock" that's slightly reminiscent of "Less Than Jake". But hey, don't take my word for it check them out here. Or if you want you could try buying a "limited edition" CD from them if you go to Heritage that is...

Speaking of limited editions, I finally got to see the limited edition of Dogma and if you don't already have it, buy it! It's worth it just for the deleted scenes, especially those with Jason Lee and George Carlin, who both had many hilarious parts cut out of the movie form some strange reason. Apparently Dogma was supposed to be a 3 hour movie but it was cut down to what it is today, still funny, but could have been funnier with certain bits left in. It seems that the extra footage is made specifically so we think "Oh good, more movie" and pay more for 20 extra minutes. Hell, I did it for "The Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship Of The Ring" and I'll probably do it again if they make a special edition of "The Two Towers". Although, to be fair, I actually enjoyed the Fellowship special edition much more than the original, in fact I only watch the special edition, plus the extra features rock.

I seem to be dragging out Wind Waker. I'm trying to put off beating the game as long as possible by trying to accomplish every quest in the game, it's not that easy. But I know I have to finish it before SCII comes out or else I never will...

Speaking of controlling my life, I just watched the Halo2 video on the latest demo disk and man, I cannot wait. The video shows actual game play which shows off some amazing new graphics weapons, vehicles, enemies and moves. My favorite thing I saw was the fact that I no longer need fear those cheap bastards who climb in ghosts and try and run me over, why? Because a new system allows you to jump on to vehicles in motion and kick/throw the previous driver out of the vehicle. Cool huh? Ya, you know it is. Anyway, the whole thing ends in perfect Halo-style cut seen that you'll have to see for your self.

Well, I'm out of time so I'll see you all later.


That's nice.

I'm glad you're able to justify your participation as "hard work." Of course, drawing comics three times a week isn't "work." It's a magical process in which fairies drop by and start serenading me and massaging me with their tiny fairy hands. Did I mention that they give me the power to fly? Oh ya, that's all I really do all day. I just glide around, soaring above the clouds, occasionally swooping down to startle pedestrians. When I get back I find the work, completed by the fairies, already on my computer! Isn't it great?