What's In Your Fridge?
I, as most people do, watch television. As we watch, we are subjected to thousands of very annoying commercials. If you actually watch TV, you will remember Labbat Blue's commercial for "Icebox". Now I don't know about you, but to me it always seemed to me that the black guy was trying to get some from the chick. It makes a good comic, and a great slogan.
In know it's kinda late but I'd like to briefly discuss Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. It seems that when a game of this caliber and hype, which it lived up to by the way, always escapes me for quite sometime. I mean, I just started playing Wind Waker two weeks ago! And that's not all, Fallout 2, Half-Life, Unreal Tournament, and the list goes on. All these games I end up playing long after there triumphant release. I always do end up getting my hands on them long after others have, mainly because pre-played games are cheaper.
Speaking of new games, Soul Caliber II for all systems is being released on the 28th, or so I'm told, and I cannot wait! With the exception of Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO, there has been a lack of really great fighting games for the Gamecube. Although it appears that every system seems to be lacking one genre or another...
Well folks, that's all the time I have for today, gathering the last of the Triforce shards is hard work...