Let's take it from the top...
Ok so we wanted to get some advertising for the site. The first order of business was to fantasies about what kind of advertisements we want and then which ones we can actually get. I suggest, as a joke, that we get some sleazy porn site to post some ads on our site; wouldn't you check out nude college farm animal...porn? I mean, just to actually see if it's possible?
I'd also like to add that I really DO like Halo, Dai Katana sucked but I really do not like grey people!
Ok, let's talk Otogi for X box. In two words it rocks! Anyone who is any sort of a fan of anime (especially those who watch/read Ogre Slayer) will automatically fall in love with Otogi. I've got the demo and I love it already. Think Diablo II with a more in-depth control system. The story is based on Japanese myths of demons. As it turns out the imperial court has collapsed and people are looking to go to the "Land of Prayers". However it's full of demos. So our hero, Rahiko, is sent to purify, i.e. kill and destroy everything! One of the coolest things about the game is the jump system, you can do a double jump a-la-Smash Bros. This allows for many mid air combos and the ability to attack flying creatures and reach high places. There are two kinds of attacks, strong/slow and fast/weaker. The strong attack will send enemies flying across the level, in to buildings, walls and the ground, creating large craters. The weaker attack will allow for a larger number of hits in a combo, and if the weaker attack is preformed in mid air you will float and stay suspended until you stop tapping the attack button. There is also magic (of course), so far magic consists of 2 different projectile spells, they do more damage depending on how long you hold the button to "charge it up". And the game has a handy lock-on system so you won't have to worry about your aim. The demo allows for 4 different weapons, a two handed sword belonging to Rahiko's clan, a pair of rockin' one handed blades, a two handed halberd and a huge fucking club! Each has its own specialty. You can also get 3 different "accessories". One can boost your attack, one can boost your defense and one can "rescue the wearer from trouble" I haven't quit figured out what that means yet, but I can guess. The level that the demo gives you isn't that big and there are only 3 different kinds of enemies but when you play the game you realize it all works out perfectly. Graphics are smooth and look great.
I have, however, saved the best for last. Everything is destroyable! In fact you actually get a grade, A B C D..., depending on how much shit you smashed! All you have do is use the strong attack and smash a building or smash an enemy in to a building, it r0x0rs!
All in all the game looks great and I look forward to its release date!
I also got a demo of Soul Caliber II. Mmm, Tekken with blades (mostly). I've always been a fan of Tekken and when the first Soul Caliber came out I wept tears of joy. Unfortunately I only had a Nintendo 64 and I have yet to find an original for the Cube, so I was forced to play on a friend's Dreamcast. But now that I've seen and played it for the X box I'm in love again. Alex, however, told me that the Game cube version will include Link as well as Spawn! I can tell you right now I'm sold. The combat system is great; however you can't jump so it'll be hard to get a perfect... But seriously, the game looks beautiful and the controls are easy to use but leave room for mastery. As always special moves are preformed by simultaneously pressing two buttons diagonally, i.e. A and B, which begs the question "How will this be accomplished on the Game Cube controller?" Either way I will be eagerly anticipating the arrival of SCII for the Game Cube.